Empowering you by unlocking the potential of your data

The Memri Schema

A postal address.

Properties/Edges Type Description
from: Type
from: Item
dateAccessed Last access date of the Item.
dateCreated Creation date of the Item.
dateModified Last modification date of the Item.
deleted Whether the Item is deleted.
externalId The identifier of an external source.
genericType A generic type that can be given to any Item to further specify what it is.
itemDescription A description of the item.
starred Whether the Item is starred.
version The last version loaded from the server.
uid The unique identifier of the Item set by the pod.
importJson Data that cannot directly be imported in the appropriate Items (yet), in JSON format
from: Location
latitude The latitude of a location in WGS84 format.
longitude The longitude of a location in WGS84 format.
from: Address
city A city or town.
postalCode The postal code. For example, 94043.
state A state or province of a country.
street The street address. For example, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy.
itemType The type or (sub)category of some Item.
locationAutoLookupHash A location with a automatic lookup hash.