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The Memri Schema

A review of an Item, for instance a Organization, CreativeWork, or Product.

Properties/Edges Type Description
from: Type
from: Item
dateAccessed Last access date of the Item.
dateCreated Creation date of the Item.
dateModified Last modification date of the Item.
deleted Whether the Item is deleted.
externalId The identifier of an external source.
genericType A generic type that can be given to any Item to further specify what it is.
itemDescription A description of the item.
starred Whether the Item is starred.
version The last version loaded from the server.
uid The unique identifier of the Item set by the pod.
importJson Data that cannot directly be imported in the appropriate Items (yet), in JSON format
from: CreativeWork
title The title of an Item.
abstract An abstract is a short description that summarizes an Items content.
datePublished Date of first broadcast/publication.
keyword Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.
content The content of an Item.
textContent The plain text content of an Item, without styling or syntax for Markdown, HTML, etc.
transcript If this MediaObject is an AudioObject or VideoObject, the transcript of that object.
itemType The type or (sub)category of some Item.
from: WrittenWork
from: Review